Rye has been working all month on this song for his dad for Christmas. After keeping a record of his scores he quickly realized it was kind of like a game to improve each time. We have been trying to explain that idea of practice to him and slowly it's sinking in. Anyway here is the most recent performance and a list of his scores thru December.
Angels' We Have Heard on High
12-2 Right hand (RH) 68/73 36
left hand (LH) 36/40 23
Both 95/113 92
12-3 RH 65/73 29
LH 37/40 23
both 92/113 83
12-5 RH 68/73 26
LH 40/40 11
Both 96/113 61
12-9 RH 69/73 24
LH 40/40 11
Both 97/113 67
12-10 Rh 60/73 30
LH 38/40 9
Both 95/113 63
12-12 RH 65/73 31
LH 38/40 8
Both 98/113 53
12-15 RH 71/73 31
LH 38/40 13
Both 109/113 57
12-16 RH 71/73 21
LH 40/40 8
Both 102/113 50
12-20 RH 71/73 14
LH 39/40 9
Both 105/113 37
12-24 Both 112/113 39
1-2 Both 111/113 32
I usually had him practice twice with both hands individually then with both hands together 2x's. Toward the end I just had him practicing both. We'll continue to work on it. I hope to post this on the winter recital page too. We'll have to find a way to make all the practice into a competition. He likes a challenge.