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× Hellene Hiner's Blog

Five Myths about Children and Musical Development

17 Jul 2024 07:17 #53126 by hellene

Ignorant and very narrow-minded people accuse our Academy of "depriving children of their childhood." They say that a two-year-old child should not sit at the piano and play by notes.

"What should they do?" I ask.

Let them run around (that is, aimlessly wander).

The birth and upbringing of children is still associated with many myths and prejudices. Let's talk about them.

Myth 1. Children's intellectual development begins at birth.

Children are born intelligent. We make them fools ourselves.

No, they do not learn addition and subtraction in the womb (although this thesis has yet to be tested).

However, they listen to external vibrations at a level you can't even imagine.

What happens to a child in the womb when the mother listens to her favorite song?

The child does not just listen to the same music with the beat of the mother's heart and the flow of blood in the vessels. At the same time, the child also receives the hormonal composition of the bloodstream, which enters their system through the umbilical cord. They already absorb every vibration!

Is the mother happy? The unborn baby is also happy! They receive the hormones of happiness along with the music that delights their mother.

Vibrations and the mother's reaction to them are the deep level at which the baby's development takes place. And you treat them, forgive me, like an idiot after birth. Respect your child's consciousness! Be able to develop what is already within them. Do not impose your backward ideas about them on them.

So, newborns are not as foolish as many think. They are slightly bewildered sages who suddenly found themselves face-to-face with Earth's gravity. They lived, absorbing the wisdom of this world in weightlessness and suddenly - bang! And you are already a helpless bundle of nerves: you can't sit, stand, jump, or philosophize. You learn to poop. And there's no way around it!

From 0 to 24 months, the child masters life on Earth at a kinetic level. They learn to balance, move, cope with the given "field conditions" until they master all the physical requirements under gravity.

A two-year-old child who has learned to walk, run, jump, "conquer peaks" of household furniture or a children's slide on the street is a person who needs cognitive needs of a higher order. And you treat them like a baby. Don't you hear? They are shouting in your face: "I CAN DO IT MYSELF!"

Let me put it simply for those who do not understand: by the age of two, any healthy child needs intellectual cognitive activities. The "fontanel" seems to have closed, but the neural connections require "continuation of the banquet." From 2 to 5 years old, children urgently need to create a network of neural connections linking the hemispheres and reaching the most distant centers of the brain. They need a full-fledged apparatus that can cope with receiving information and their own emotions.

That is why finger games, focusing on the development of fine motor skills, make the child freeze and stare at their own palms. There is a direct connection between the development of the fine muscles of the hand responsible for the work of each finger and the development of the entire brain.

The "running aimlessly" child is not an adorable sight. See a two-year-old running away? It's a danger signal.

In old age, stroke survivors with brain damage try to run "aimlessly." A lack of cognitive functions is a disaster.

If a child "ran off" and it's hard to stop them, it means they are experiencing an enormous hunger for consciousness, requiring a return to a prenatal, deeper, and higher quality understanding of the world. They have already looked around. They already understand how everything works physically. Now they need deeper knowledge. They need to understand how to interact with the world independently.

And here the child faces another misconception of adults.

Myth 2. The child is a "blank slate."

The child is given bright, loud musical instruments.

Why musical instruments?

Because generations of adults have figured out that children are drawn to vibrations. But understanding that they have already heard enough sounds and want to control them is hard. How can such a little one manage musical sounds? No! They need to listen some more. Run and jump to the music some more.

At this point, we create a barrier between the child and their further development. We don't understand the main thing: the child doesn't need external sounds! They want to pass them through themselves. Like before birth.

They want to have a relationship with music on the deep level they got used to in the mother's womb. They want to hear and react to vibrations at the hormonal-chemical level. But now they want to turn the "recording" on and off themselves.

And they want to understand how "it" works. Immerse themselves in the process!

Myth 3. First, you need to develop perseverance, obedience, and a desire to learn in a child, and then start teaching them something. Especially music!

Finger games make children freeze and stare. Children are deeply engrossed in the process of buttoning or unbuttoning a button or tying and untying laces.

How can you not see and understand? This is a call for the child to learn to control their fingers. They are physically ready for this. They beg you for it!

And we give the child these buttons and laces. Sometimes we even give them a piano, and they start banging on the keys with all their might.

But we can't add 2+2. Children need vibrations, keys, and visual cues. They will gladly "run" with their fingers and develop fine motor skills, focusing on how each finger of each hand produces vibrations and "pushes" neural networks to develop more and more "intersections" in the cerebral cortex.

Let the children fix their eyes on at least one of the keys! If you don't do this, and even find the cacophony they produce cute, you know nothing about the peculiarities of the child's mind.

Finger games + keys + small visual cues in the keyboard space. And now our child is happily and with great pleasure playing scales and exercises. This is exactly what any child needs. This is where the growth of their attention and intellectual development begins.
Let the child see where to place their fingers. And they will gladly engage in developing their fine motor skills. At the same time, they will develop the coordination of both hands and the ability to hear and distinguish each vibration at their own, personal level. It's elementary!

Myth 4. Why music and especially the piano? Maybe gymnastics or, if you insist on music, playing the violin?

Music because immediately after conception, in the process of their development, the fetus primarily interacts with vibrations. Their world is the world of musical sounds of the Universe. The development of human cells and their growth is directly related to sounds and more! As we wrote above, along with the vibrations, the child receives the mother's hormonal response to these vibrations.

Vibrations have the most powerful impact on the child. Intellectual development of the child should begin with sounds. This is their element.

However, playing them classical music or taking them to "music classes" where they are made to dance in circles or beat a xylophone with sticks is a bad idea.

For correct and conscious interaction with sounds, the child needs three components: to see how to produce at least one sound, to be able to produce it, and to register this action with their consciousness. As you can see, banging on keys or colorful xylophone plates is quite different. Singing after the teacher is also a rather passive pastime, setting the child up for thoughtless repetition.

A key attached to a note and the ability to see how long to hold the key and note. Then the child will do it and develop their cognitive abilities, fine motor skills, conscious interaction with sounds, and much more.

And my system provides this opportunity. The Soft Mozart system is the world's only keyboard-note trainer. Children love to develop themselves. They adore this trainer. This trainer helps them build their neural connections for life. And as a side effect, it helps them learn the musical language.

Why not the violin? It's simple! The child needs support: specific oscillations of specific vibrations. And the sound should be produced with a light finger movement. As soon as all the elements connect with the consciousness, the child's intellectual and creative development will be unstoppable.

They will master the violin, flute, and drum. But later! They need to master the system of all sounds at the level of their hormones, physical skills, and mental grasp of their activities. Keys and notes are the launchpad for the child and all their future victories.

Myth 5. Only a piano teacher knows "how to." You cannot let the training take its course without the presence of a specialist!

I hope you already understand: the interaction of the child with keys and notes is vital for their intellectual development. We immerse the child in the familiar element, when they were an "astronaut" in weightlessness and learning about the world at the level of vibrations and hormones.

Under gravity, the child, with the help of visual and interactive notes, returns to the familiar activity on a completely different level: now they are the creator of their own vibrations. They can produce sound, see the note, and understand that it is good and beautiful.

Or they cannot, if parents just give them a rattle or something musical to bang on.

Choose what you like best!

Is a teacher needed for the child's interaction with the world of musical sounds?

Someone who does not interfere is needed. But sits and enjoys the process. Silently.

If you take a professional not trained in the Soft Mozart system, even if they graduated from a conservatory, they will only spoil everything. However, they will not undertake such an activity (unless they are in dire need of money).

The child does not need to be told "how to" press a key when seeing a note. They are not foolish. By the time they have grown up to see a note and press a key, they have listened to more music than you can imagine! Why do you think that only what you try to deliver to the child's ears is the only musical material in their short life?

When you start observing the child and their work with notes and sounds, you will be amazed at how musical they are by nature. Sit aside and observe. They first need to focus on something. Let them get used to the keys and understand their hands and fingers... They will give you such interpretations of the classics that it will forever discourage you from interfering in the development of children.

If your child brings swear words from kindergarten, are you surprised? Similarly, there is a huge amount of divine information in the child's consciousness. To extract it and give it growth and application is the task of adults.

At this stage, an untrained professional is not only unnecessary but should not be allowed near the child. Nor should they be allowed near you! They will tell you about hands, feet, agogics, elbows, and hand positioning. As soon as you hear such cleverness, turn off your information processor. Change the conversation to the weather and the peculiarities of breastfeeding.

You can learn to work with your child at home. We guide such parents on our Soft Mozart forum. And let me say, the flight is not just normal, the flight is excellent!

However, since this type of training is very new, it requires deep immersion in the process and knowledge not only of music but of the neurophysiological characteristics of young children. It is best to start your own training with us. It's free!

Our Academy for parents and professionals works like clockwork. We teach. Come over!

In the next post, I will tell you why only a computer can be an adequate tool for teaching the musical language.

Tags: #softmozart #hinermethod Soft Mozart Academy, music in early childhood education, music and interhemispheric development of the child, advanced finger games, fine motor skills development through keyboard exercises, for parents of toddlers

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