Jolly old saint nicholas: P2, P4, P5 , P6
Hallelujah Chorus
Train in F major: RH
Solfeggio and chords: Oh on the top: In G major: RH
To a Wild Rose
Sightreading: We three kings of orien are: R2 L2
Music sheet: writing the note re
Music sheet: writing the note do
Millet: in G RH: with writing
Sightreading: Deck the halls: P2&P4
Sightreading: Deck the halls: P5&P6
Hanon exercise with accompaniment
Hanon #1
Three brothers three sisters from sol
March militaire
We three kings: R5
Sonata: n17
F major scale
Sightreading: we three kings of orien are: P4
My hall: solfeggio and chords in G major: RH
Arpeggio: Sol
Arpeggio: Fa