1- Cards game part 1
2- cards game part 2
3- Note Alphabet game
4-Note duration game
5- base staff game
6- fruit line game
7- guess key
8- skinny notes
9- playing L(H) and singing solfagio
10- cycle of notes
11- sight reading nursery primer p5
12- practicing triades
13- Do major scale
14- Rhythmic Dictation
15- white cat black cat
16- Baba black sheep with solfagio
17- butterfly Do
18- Butterfly
19- London Bridge with solfagio
20- Humpty Dumpty with solfagio
21- franch song with metronom
22- boy girl card game
23- march from the nutcracker
24- farmers in the dell with solfagio
25- ode to joy
26- turkish march
27- tomtom a piper's son
28- french song witb solfagio
29- nursery primer p6 sight reading
30- nursery primer sight reading p4
31 - nursery primery sight reading P5