June will be taking a summer hiatus from playing piano. We did this last summer, and it was a good break for us. We homeschool, and our summers are usually full of camps, swimming, and trips to the park.
Plus, June has written a sign for the piano that says, "No piano until Mom finds the Dinosaurs." (She is referring to the Dinosaur curriculum I promised her for this autumn. I sure hope I can find it by September 1st! June is ready to start it now!)
I am learning a lot about teaching June using Soft Mozart. We are learning the ins and outs of the program, and I am trying to find SM music that is a good level for her.
--We will start with some of the Nursery Rhymes in the autumn. I will post June playing them and hope for some good feedback to guide us to where she should be.
--Since June can already read music, I have learned that using the lower levels (1,2,3) for her is more frustration than help. Using the vertical orientations forces her to learn a secondary (and unnecessary for her) form of reading the music. She also does better if she can see the whole page of music and develop a strategy of how to attack the piece, rather than just focusing on one note at a time.
--SM has been a good transition for June to start playing with both hands simultaneously.
--SM gives June reason to practice, memorize, and perform pieces. This is something we had no access to before SM.
I have told June that we will supplement our piano lessons in the Fall with SM.
Other details:
Originally, we purchased SM for little sister Jean (age 2). Jean is behaving like a typical 2yo
by not playing regularly on the piano when SM is offered.
I am hoping to make use of SM myself this summer. I am only a few steps ahead of June in my piano abilities.
June and Jean's mom