Off to a great start! Jaykob hit a record today he played a song 4 times in a row! It cost me three chocolate drops
but he would have done it for less! Love the chocolate currency! It's temporary, I haavnt got the reward chart up..tomorrow!
We started ode to joy, because that's what his sitter left the piano on and ready at
I played it through (s) so he could hear it and then asked him to concentrate and have a go. He was being silly and I told him I wasn't in the mood for silly and he would have to go. He knuckled down and got through it 13/30 plus t 67. Then again 17/30 plus t61. Then again (
) 24/30 and plus t 48 and finally 20/30 plus t42. I was super huggy with him for giving it a red hot go and beating his time each time he tried. I hope his efforts continue.....