Mandabplus3 wrote: He is still playing Hot cross Buns most days but doesnt seem to be prgressing very much. I was thinking back to myself (all the way back a few weeks ) and remembered when I stopped making progress I just started to play something harder to challenge myself. SO thats what I did with Jaykob...actually I think this may be a new motto frot my life in general..If tallent gets stagnant make the task more challenging
So here is his latest video
Note how focussed he is now
Amanda, I should tell you beforee...
Ah, shame on me!
Yes, in 'traditional' classes the perfectness of performance is a goal. With Soft Mozart, especially with young beginners quantity will lead to quality. The more pieces Jacob will try to play – the better.
I see great progress in him. This is the ability to focus AND his fine motor skills. He is choosing the right fingers and ALL the fingers most of the time.
I am very impressed! Thank you for sharing the video!