jingtying wrote:
I think music education should be accessible to everybody, with EASY, AFFORDABLE, ENJOYABLE & SYSTEMATIC Approach, just like Soft Mozart.
Jingtying, I answered your questions in the introductory thread.
As for this quote, I can't agree more!
I am working so hard to bring this invention to the masses! Unfortunately, music industry key players are trying as hard to hide this invention and product from customers, because they already invested in low effective approaches and think that Soft Mozart will 'kill' them.
Our product now is pricey, but value of it is very high. We try our best to support enthusiast like you and provide them with great discounts. All you have to do is start teaching with Soft Mozart and sharing with us your experience.
Please, find free materials on our TRY NOW page and in SHARE section of our forum. There is plenty for you to start.
I think, with such affords we'll meet you half way and give you a good price for our product.