This was Nikko today
Hannon -- Hands separately up and back. He is ready for HT next lesson.
Chromatic Scale --HS -- RH is much better than LH -- he tries to play it too fast and makes mistakes -- we started over countless times just to get him to slow down.
Dictation -- First 4 bars of Hot Cross Buns (rhythm only) perfect first time.
Note Alphabet
225 -- 5:14
Last lesson was 208 -- 5:45
He has discovered the space bar and is making a lot of mistakes because he wants to play the game fast. Should I ask him not to use the space bar for now?
Gentle Piano
Solo Flight
1 - R - 22/22 - 10
1 - L -16/16 - 4
1 - P 38/38 - 33
We didn't get to presentation 3 today.
Last lesson -- Solo Flight:
1 - R - 22/22 - 14
1 - L - 16/16 - 4
1 - P - 38/38 -36
3 - R - 22/22 - 19
3 - P - 35/38 - 30
Teaching your own children can be especially challenging
My other students almost always do exactly as I ask. Both my boys are very strong willed and want to do things their way -- it's a constant battle.