Hello, dear Sama Molaeb!
Thank you very much for participating in our International Graduation Concert of 2019!
You won my heart with your lovely videos where you demonstrated your piano skills! It is hard to believe that such a little girl can play so well by music sight-reading from traditional score! You have outstanding eye-hand and both hands coordination, perfect fingers management, excellent focus skills and attention span. I am so proud of your achievements! Way to go!
My special thanks to your parents. They give you music education with Soft Mozart system. It seems like it is working very well with you. I also thank your teacher Mrs. Lara. She brought Soft Mozart method to Lebanon and made piano lessons easy and fun for you and other kids. It shows!
I remind you that our next concert will take place from December 15, 2019 to January 15, 2020. This will be the "Butterfly Ball". Have you already started working on the new pieces?
Hellene Hiner,
The author of the Soft Mozart system
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