Learning Overview
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Learning to play keyboard/piano and read music is a complicated task. Dealing with sheet music can be a ‘deal breaker’. With the assistance of a piano teacher or without, you’re working 1 on 1 with ‘user unfriendly’ music interface most of the time. Is there any possible way to make your personal relationship with sheet music less trying?
We think that technology can come to the rescue. If you are reading this on a computer screen, you already know that technology is becoming ever more important in our lives. Today, we communicate by sending emails, texting, and IM-ing, (using spell check, when we need it.) To read on the computer, we use different print sizes based on our visual abilities.
We, the creators of “Soft Mozart,” wanted to give all learners and musicians similar “options” for dealing with sheet music. With our invention, any child or adult, whether a beginner, intermediate or advanced student – anyone who needs to use sheet music - can see every move previously made or about to be made. You can also see the results of your performance in exact figures.
We then went beyond that by visually explaining the notes with colors, shapes and animation. Thus, if you try to play a piece and find yourself making too many mistakes, you can simply go one grade lower and add more visual support. This is what we call Gentle Piano™ a visual, interactive presentation of the Grand Staff that helps you to develop your keyboard/piano and music skills.
Our unique and effective approach in presenting sheet music will serve you for years as a means of learning keyboard/piano and playing music.
We have also developed a curriculum that will help you to grow from a very elementary to a very advanced level. You don’t have to be musically inclined to start learning with us. We will build up all of your skills and talents from scratch. If you can see, hear something and press a piano key with at least one finger, you are a perfect candidate for our program. Our ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ curriculum will help you to become a true musician. All what you have to do is… practice.
Like many others, we believe that practice makes perfect. But with our ‘Soft Way to Mozart,’ it is going to be a different type of practice: you won’t have to spend time on tedious drills – you get to make music from the very first minute with our curriculum, play hundreds of beautiful pieces and with that constant ‘hands on’ experience, your practice will bring more fruitful results.
This website is here to help you to succeed. By registering and becoming a member, you are becoming a part of our ‘Soft Mozart’ community. On this website, you can meet with learners like you and with professional music teachers around the globe, who will guide you through the process of learning, will share their experience with you and will answer all of your questions.
We are very excited to have you on board. We want to see your success and the success of your children, grandchildren, students and friends with our curriculum. We want you to share the story of your experience with ‘Soft Way to Mozart’: feel free to post your audio and video recordings in our forum for all of our community to see, or just for a couple of your friends and/or teachers.
Speaking of teachers… Here, on our website you can pick a teacher from our list and communicate directly with him/her. This teacher will be your personal mentor and will be personally responsible for your music development. You don’t have to pay anything extra for such support. All we want is for you to be successful and spread the word about our invention, which we believe has to be in every school or household.
You may register here to become our member. It is free and absolutely safe. We are not going to share your personal information with anybody. Let the fun and exciting experience of learning music and piano begin!
Here you may buy your 'Soft Mozart' Package your ‘Soft Mozart’ package to start you learning experience right now.
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Russel Mosher - software buyer
Even the name of the method is so appropriate. I consider myself more than lucky to have found this.. It will become for me and others the way to embrace the world of music and attain a professional level of competence.. Thanks to all of the fine people who have made this happen.. Its a giant leap for those involved in teaching the skills of reading the music language. Sincerely Yours, Russell Mosher
Tonya Billingsley, owner of piano studio
"... The kids are responding, loving it....playing, repeating, asking to play again....wow! and after 2 hours not wanting to leave and still playing and excited about their scores and improvements to the very end!"
Belinda Roccaforte - my 5- and 7-year-old children
My son Thomas has been taking piano lessons from Hellene since he was four years old. When she developed her method on the computer we saw Thomas' interest in piano increase and we no longer had to insist that he practice. He really enjoys the "game like" format. The method is so fun that both children don't think of piano lessons as work. Zachary is 5 and has been taking piano with Hellene for almost a year. He has only learned with this computer method. We were amazed at how quickly he learned to play with both hands. Zachary has always enjoyed piano and learns very quickly with seemingly little effort. We have noticed a great deal of improvement in both boys' fine-motor skills and coordination. Zachary just completed kindergarten and is working at almost third grade level math. Hellene told us that her techniques would help in their academic functioning, particularly in math. This is certainly true for Zachary.
Rita Chan: a mother of a 3 years old student
My son, Michael, is 3 years old and he has taken piano lessons for 2 months now. Ms. Hiner's computing teaching system makes it so easy and fun for Michael to understand, learn & play. He had his first recital with no stage fright after taking only 4 piano lessons and without practicing at home. In the beginning, I just want to wait and see if he likes piano. I also want to see if the Soft Mozart program is worth the money to invest in. Now after two months. I think it worth every penny after seeing my son's improvement in his concentration level, eye-hand coordination and analytical skill. I am glad that I have my son in Ms. Hiner's class.
Janet S. Hall - a mother of 4 and 6 years old students
We want to let you know how much we've been pleased with your piano teaching system. Initially, we were unsure if it was wise to start our daughter on piano lessons at 4 years of age. However, your method was so easy for her to understand that she easily understood the relationship between written music and the keys on the piano. I remembered how excited she was to play nursery songs that she could also sing. As a parent, I also found that your method was easy to learn. It allowed me stay at her level and help her during practices at home. With our daughter's success, we firmly believed that our younger daughter would enjoy your program at three years old. It has been amazing to see that at four year old, she can pick up a sheet music and play a song. Although, the song is fairly simple, it does involve her using both hands, and she needs very little assistance from us. Your "Play Piano" program (part of DOREMIFASOFT computer program) helps them learn at their own pace (L, R, P and Hide) and correct them with gentle guidance. The accomplishment they feel when completing a song by memory nourishes an enjoyment of music that enriches their experiences in so many different ways. Thanks again for coming up this innovative method for the children to learn and enjoy music at a very young age.
Sandy Tang - a mother of 4 years old student
Thanks for teaching Desiree piano since September 2002. She likes it very much and does it very well. Personally, I don't know anything about the piano and the music notes. The software really helps her a lot and actually helps me to guide her. She does not get bored from the software. The piano games from the software teaches her the position of the music notes on the music book as well as on the piano naturally and gradually. She picks it up really quickly by following the program without pressure or stress. Even though when she does not practice the song, she will explore the other songs and let me know which song is her favorite song. Then I will tell her keep on practicing so that you will be able to play that song later and I always tell her "Practice makes Perfect". After all, I am very surprised and impressed about Desiree's performance.
Patty Roberts - a mother of 6 years old student
My son has been working with Ms. Hiner since he was 18 months old. By the age of two years he was able to play the piano with both hands. I strongly believe that having participated in Ms. Hiner's classes using her method, and now with the development of the Doremifasoft program, his musical ability has increased to truly impressive levels. He enjoys being able to play the games and songs at home whenever the whim strikes him and often chooses to play the keyboard instead of watching TV or playing video games! It is also very enjoyable to listen to him play for family gatherings and the holidays. I believe it has had an extremely positive impact on his self-esteem. Several studies and articles I have read report a direct, proven link between musical training and increased skills in analytical and mathematical pursuits in young children, relative to their peers without the advantage of musical training. These comments were enough to prompt me to invest in the program, a keyboard and computer, as well as private lessons for my son. As parents, we are amazed and very pleased at the improvements in his musical ability and his intellectual achievements relative to his peers. I recommend Ms. Hiner's method and software very highly.
Tony & Diana Smith - parents of 4 and 6 years old students
Our two daughters Allison and Samantha have been working with Helene Hiner and the Do Re Mi Fa Soft software for about one year. We were lucky to have access to it just as our girls were starting their lessons. This made their experience not only beneficial, but enjoyable as well. We found they not only liked working with the software and practicing on the keyboard, but also were learning how to play complete songs on the piano. With the updated version of the software, the games added new activities in addition to the normal practice. Overall, our experience with Do Re Mi Fa Soft has been very pleasant. We think this has been the difference between the typical strict discipline approach of learning piano, and one that proves playful, fun and desirable. This is especially important when trying to motivate young children
Ann Burt - a music teacher
Hellene Hiner's innovative music program, Soft Mozart, has brought me out of retirement! I was formerly a private piano teacher and a classroom music teacher. My experience with this program has convinced me that learning to read music can be fun, not abstract and dull. I personally observed a two year old read notes and play the piano. I was amazed! And the child was very proud of her efforts and accomplishment. This program teaches through the use of video games in which children have fun. Little do they realize while having fun, they are learning music theory, performing hand-eye coordination, being ear-trained...and much more! I'm very excited about this revolutionary approach in teaching music and I plan to share it with all those I know. What an enrichment "tool" for all music teachers at every level! I am so very grateful to Hellene Hiner as she has persevered to create such an outstanding program. Music literacy will definitely flourish.
Valery Pinchuk - a student, 16 years old
Soft Mozart is spectacular because of the way it can captivate young children's and adults' attentions alike. It really works, and provides everything that a normal piano lesson lacks; there is no piano teacher sitting at my side to disappoint when I am having difficulty, and i am able to progress at my own pace. When playing sheet music, it is very easy to get confused and give up. This program will stop and show me exactly what mistakes i am making, so an error in my playing that could earlier drive me to lose interest completely can quickly become irrelevant. This program is very effective in teaching, and it is obvious that soon it will be in homes worldwide.
The McKnights - parents of 4 years old student Just wanted say thanks! Eight months ago when the school year started, my wife and I decided to enroll Nicholas in Piano lessons at the Cottage School. Since learning how to play the piano, Nicholas has been more music orientated and focused. He has the tendency to stay on key with many songs he likes especially when he is singing with Scooby-doo. We have also notice how his music experiences has enhanced his focus in the class room. His teachers has indicated he is at the top of his class. Thanks so much for all that you are doing with our son!
Michael and Betty Lynn Keavney - clients
We have been extremely pleased with the Soft Mozart music program. We have seen a dramatic improvement in our daughter's self esteem and concentration skills during the course of this program. It is amazing to hear the complexity of music Katherine is able to perform as a 7 year old. The software program we utilize at home has accelerated Katherine's progress and has enhanced her learning experience. It has allowed Katherine to experiment with many different learning tools and has given her an opportunity to progress at an accelerated pace. We firmly believe this software program has given Katherine the opportunity to reach musical heights not attainable through other music products on the market today.
Pam J. Creel - client
My 16-year old daughter has been a student of Mrs. Hiner for about six years. Previous to starting lessons with Mrs. Hiner, she had four years of piano lessons with another teacher utilizing the conventional method of teaching. While she was taking the conventional piano lessons, she progressed in her piano skills; however, it was a struggle to convince her to continue her lessons because she was frustrated and bored. Once she started with Mrs. Hiner, she never asked to discontinue her piano lessons. She joyfully goes to her lessons and enjoys picking up a piece of music and playing it at home. Her skills have increased tremendously utilizing Ms.Hiner's method. Additionally, while my daughter was taking the conventional piano lessons, I, too, was taking lessons from the same teacher. I had never played piano, nor did I know how to read music. As an adult, it was a very slow process to learn how to play piano, and it was especially hard for me to be able to quickly identify the notes on the sheet music. I wish that I would have had the opportunity to start with Ms. Hiner's method first. I truly believe that should I have started with Mrs. Hiner's method, I would not have struggled so much with sight reading and would have progressed further in my piano skills.
Anne B. Sereno, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Neurobiology & Anatomy University of Texas Medical School"... After talking to Ms. Hiner, I have brought two of my own children (3 and 5 years old) to her for several weeks. It is true that in 20 minutes she had the 5 year old reading and playing music with two hands. It is clear to me that she has developed a simple and effective method for piano designed to teach children from a very young age. Happily, it does not require costly materials and she is dedicated to making it available to all children..."
Family of Dettlings - client"...he exhibited an intense love for music ."
R.A. Mickey - client"...our daughter, Dana, has been taking piano lessons ... for the past several months and during that time, we have noticed that her concentration has improved along with her hand and eye coordination. During a recent review at the school, she received above average ratings and we are very pleased with her overall progress"
Crystal Copeland - client"...both of my children have gained a huge amount of knowledge in a very short time. they can each play the piano scales with each hand, backward and forward. They can pick any sheet of Ms. Hiner's music and play that song... Method has channeled their brains thinking in a different, more methodical way"
Lali Elbakidze - a pianist-performer"...I sincerely believe in an evolution of general education system in U.S. as well as faster and better development of future musician's generations with the methods and ideas of Ms.Hiner... understanding her methods and ideas gave me a lot of solutions and answers for the questions that I had as a teacher..."
Secondary Education
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There exists a good old saying: there is no limit to perfection. We agree.
Our ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ curriculum is built for improving your music sight-reading skills, ear training, music memory and piano technique. With the help of our software, you will be able to learn music pieces much more quickly than from traditional sheet music.
Moreover, while practicing you will be able to monitor your success level in precise numbers. You will be made aware of where are you making mistakes, how to fix them and how to avoid them in the future.
Also, our unique program will help you to expand your educational horizons and become one of our ‘Soft Mozart’ educators in future. We believe that the amount of ‘Soft Mozart’ students will rapidly grow globally and the need for educated musicians with expertize about our invention will be huge in the close future.
Here a list of skills that you will be able to improve and master with our ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ curriculum in just a couple of months with us:
- Music sight-reading. You will have enough time to improve your skills in sight-reading piano albums of different levels of difficulties. With the help of our visual and interactive sheet music – Gentle Piano™ – and especially with our precise scoring system you will receive exact information about the mistakes that you make as well as how to avoid them in the future. It will also help you to see how you are progressing in exact numbers.
- Learning piano pieces for recitals and performances. In our library you will be able to find piano pieces for your piano recitals. Using our unique visual and interactive sheet music Gentle Piano™ will accelerate the process of learning the pieces drastically (if it takes several months to learn such pieces from paper sheet music, with our invention you will be able to learn the same piece in days)
- Ear training. We’ll teach you how to use our interactive piano learning software to learn to write music dictations, differentiate intervals and chords, play and transpose melodies and chords to them in scales with up to 3 sharps or flats. Our music and piano learning software and curriculum are also capable of training you to recognize music notes by their exact pitch. Yes, perfect pitch is developed with the use of our program.
- Music pedagogy. In just one semester we will also be able to teach you the full curriculum of our system for beginner students. It will help you to become a teacher for your younger relatives, friends or neighbors.
Why wait?
Sign up here to join our Soft Mozart graduate community to sharpen your music education and experience. Buy our software package now http://pianolearningsoftware.com/ and enjoy our curriculum.
Adult Beginner
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You don’t have to be a perfect pianist to make music on the piano. While working with our ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ music and piano learning curriculum you could improve your skills at your own pace without anyone looking over your shoulder.
Have you always wanted to learn a song or two? This is the best way to do it. Our program is very interactive and intuitive; you won’t feel lost or intimidated while working 1-on-1 with the piano and sheet music.
We developed the Gentle Piano System™ – or music navigation system – for people like you. It is similar to a driving experience, when you always feel safe and aren’t afraid of getting lost in a new area.
With our piano learning software and curriculum, in just 6 months you will be able to achieve the following results:
- You will be able to play several piano exercises using 2 hands. The exercises are vitally important for the coordination of your hands and fingers. Exercises will make your fingers more obedient and flexible.
- You will learn to play 8-9 piano pieces with the chords of your choice using 2 hands. During the process of learning you will notice how confident and quick your coordination and technique become. The point is: in a short time one special day or evening you will be able to sit and play something beautiful for your friends, significant others or even neighbors. Remember the movie ‘Groundhog day?’ You will be able to impress your friends or just make your life more flavorful. Why not? You CAN!
- You will be able to learn how to read music of Primer and First Level. We’ll provide guidance on which albums would be better to start with and what exactly you will have to do in order to recognize music notes on the fly and find the corresponding keys very quickly.
- We will provide you with the most essential skills of music theory. You will be able to recognize notes and keys’ names in no time.
- We’ll teach you how to pick up the chords to corresponding melodies in Major and Minor tonalities with up to 2 sharps and flats.
Sign up here to join our adult-beginners community – people like you - to get more skills and to learn many beautiful songs.
Buy our software package now http://pianolearningsoftware.com/ to start your exciting music learning journey!
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Making music with your own hands, playing with a band, at a party, or just by yourself, when you feel like it… Isn’t it the coolest thing ever? Videogames are fun and entertaining, but they don’t teach you much. You see a lot of action on computer monitor; virtual characters are getting moved on screen, when you push just a couple of buttons on the controller for your Playstation. But when the game is over, what do you get from it? We’ve got a different game for you: you won’t see a lot of animation on the screen, but your own fingers and your mind will go through a lot of exciting and quite unusual adventures.
On our website, you can meet people like you and compete with them on how many songs you can commit to memory or to sight read with help of our visual and interactive Gentle Piano and guess what? By participating in THIS ‘game’ you are going to get a very valuable and solid education! We don’t believe that the buttons of a video game joystick and real keys of the real piano have equal value, especially in consideration of your future.
Our ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ curriculum is built for creating and improving your music sight-reading skills, ear training, music memory and piano technique. With the help of our software you will be able to learn music pieces much more quickly than from traditional sheet music.
Moreover, while practicing you will be able to monitor your progress in precise numbers. You will be made aware of where you make mistakes, how to fix them and how to avoid them in the future. You will be able to compare your score with other members of our teen community, place the video of your personal performance for others to see, participate in different contests and help others to make music literacy a part of everybody’s life.
Also, our unique program will help you to expand your educational horizons to become one of our ‘Soft Mozart’ leaders in future.
Even with your busy schedule with school and other activities in less than 6 months of subscription to our ‘Soft Way to Mozart’ curriculum you will learn how to read music and play piano.
With our curriculum, the average teenager will be able to learn 5-6 piano pieces of any difficulty by personal choice. We noticed that beginners of your age are ambitious enough to set any goal to achieve it when motivated. This is why we don’t pre-specify albums or pieces that you can learn with our curriculum in several months. Amaze us!
- You also will be able to sight-read (to play from the music score and to sing) most of the pieces from our Primer and First (Second? Third?) Level albums.
- We will also teach you how to pick out the right chords to melodies in Major and Minor. It will help you to pick up popular songs’ chords quickly by ear in the future on the piano and later on guitar. Believe us, this skill is not ‘rocket science’!
- In less than 6 months, our curriculum will introduce you to writing down simple melodies in C Major and A Minor. This is also very helpful skill if you want to compose your own music one day.
- You will be able to learn to play 2-3 essential piano exercises using both hands to in order to establish and develop your piano technique.
- You will learn Treble and Bass Clef notes; recognize all the keys of all octaves and with little effort will be able to play all of our theory games in at least one system of choice (Do Re Mi or C D E)
Sign up here to join our Soft Mozart graduate community to sharpen your music education and experience. Buy our software package now http://pianolearningsoftware.com/to start your exciting journey with us!