1. Get a Certificate for the right to teach Soft Mozart.
2. Register in all social. networks (FB, VK, OK, Instagram), identify yourself as a CM teacher (picture SM, Certificate, status information on your page).
3. Join all the MAIN (open and closed) SM groups in all existing social services. networks.
VK: vk.com/doremifasoft
ОК: ok.ru/group/55402235822235
Instagramm: soft_mozart
4. Get a written consent-statement from the parent to take photos and videos of the child, to post photos and videos on the Internet.
5. Broadcast photo and video posts from the MAIN GROUP and the MAIN PAGE on your page in each social. network at least once a week.
6. Participate in the English-speaking forum (greetings, recommendations, support for newly arrived parents and teachers on the SM website).
7. Support all participants of online concerts 2 times a year (Butterfly Ball and summer graduation recital) in the form by commenting / reviewing everyone, including the participants from other countries using the Google translator when writing a review.
8. Follow the recitals rules and deadlines.
9. Follow the rules for keeping diaries (especially those who works for Diploma ). Consult the parents who provide the Diaries about diary rules.
10. Print Certificates from electronic media for participating in concerts (except for Diplomas which, together with the medals/pins, will be shippedby the author).
11. Participate in online conferences at the Herzen University (especially important for newly arrived teachers and those who have never taken part in the conference). Participation in musical and pedagogical conferences of your region is a big plus.
12. Collaborate with the marketing team of the Soft Mozart Academy
13. Promote the program in all possible ways (Internet, open lessons, off-site concerts, participation in festivals, organization of master classes, etc.)
FREE subscription for SM teacher.
If the teacher is active during the school year and fulfills points: 5, 6, 7, 9, then he is given preferential (free) subscription to the program for 1 year.