Dear Ari,
Thank you very much for your participation in our recital - the 'Butterfly Ball' - 2019!
I watched your video and noticed how beautiful and smart you are!
You learned how to focus and read 2 notes at a time, shift your eye-focus to the corresponding keys and press them simultaneously.
You are very attentive and developed your ability to concentrate a lot!
Way to go, girl!
I see that you enjoy music lessons and it makes me very happy!
Did you or your mom watched other performances? Did you leave some nice words for them? I would be interested to know your opinion too. If you still didn't get a chance, be sure to do it! It is FUN!
In the meantime, we will prepare you a parcel from Texas - butterflies and a certificate.
Please, send us a request for the number of butterflies and the shipping address. The best mailing address for the communication is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you so much to your wonderful mom who prepared you for the concert and made your performance possible. Your dress is adorable and appearance is classy.
Many thanks to your parents who care about your musical education.
We look forward to your new performances!
With love,
Hellene Hiner
Queen Tonic and all residents of the Kingdom of Tune join me in the congratulations!
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